STACK Researchers Network

The STACK Researchers Network brings together education researchers with an interest in computer-aided assessment tools such as STACK.

The range of topics for research involving STACK is very broad. A recent collaborative project to develop a research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics has identified 55 research questions, many of which are relevant to STACK:


  • Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., Foster, C., Heck, A., Henderson, K., Hunt, T., Iannone, P., Kontorovich, I., Larson, N., Lowe, T., Meyer, J. C., O’Shea, A., Rowlett, P., Sikurajapathi, I., & Wong, T. (2024). A collaboratively-derived research agenda for E-assessment in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10(1), 201–231.

The STACK Researchers Network aims to:

  • Support the development of new research projects related to STACK, by stimulating interaction between researchers and other professionals using STACK.
  • Provide support for colleagues who are seeking to develop skills in education research related to STACK.
  • Promote research outcomes from studies involving STACK.

If you would like to join the Network, please contact George Kinnear (


George Kinnear

Dr George Kinnear

The University of Edinburgh, UK
Network Organiser

Interests: Course design involving STACK Example-generation tasks

Joe Champion

Dr Joe Champion

Boise State University, USA

Interests: Effects of implementation

Ian Jones

Dr Ian Jones

Loughborough University, UK

Interests: Feedback

Herine Otieno

Dr Herine Otieno

EduHubAfric, Rwanda / Education Development Trust, UK

Interests: Adaptive learning Equity STACK-supported flipped teaching

Chris Sangwin

Prof Chris Sangwin

The University of Edinburgh, UK

Interests: Educational Technology Task Design

Research publications

Members of the STACK Researchers Network have contributed to the following studies related to STACK:

  • Kinnear, G. (2024). Comparing example generation with classification in the learning of new mathematics concepts. Research in Mathematics Education, 26(1), 109–132.

  • Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., Foster, C., Heck, A., Henderson, K., Hunt, T., Iannone, P., Kontorovich, I., Larson, N., Lowe, T., Meyer, J. C., O’Shea, A., Rowlett, P., Sikurajapathi, I., & Wong, T. (2024). A collaboratively-derived research agenda for E-assessment in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10(1), 201–231.

  • Kinnear, G., Wood, A. K., & Gratwick, R. (2022). Designing and evaluating an online course to support transition to university mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53(1), 11–34.

  • Sangwin, C. J. (2013). Computer Aided Assessment of Mathematics, Oxford University Press (ISBN 978-0-19-966035-3)