Who uses STACK?
STACK has users all over the world. To highlight some of the ways STACK is used and developed around the world, we have written a number of case studies. Explore the map, or see the full list of case studies below.
STACK has users all over the world. To highlight some of the ways STACK is used and developed around the world, we have written a number of case studies. Explore the map, or see the full list of case studies below.
A report of an AIM-sponsored meeting on Open source mathematics curriculum and assessment tools
This is the African STACK Conference, advancing digital assessment and formative education across African universities.
Considerations when writing a collection of quiz questions in a specialised topic, and using stack_include to achieve this.
A reflection on the analysis of STACK usage in continous assessment, exam results and student attitudes on the first STACK Implementation in the Italian Higher Education.
A study on the implementation of Parson's problems within STACK to automate proof assessment
A description of the use of STACK at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania
The first African STACK Conference for Undergraduate Mathematics took place at MMUST, Kenya, from 19 to 23 June 2023. This case study includes details and conclusions arising at the conference.
Responding to national educational upheaval with student-centred support for Ethiopia.
This case study details the work and insights gained from a STACK-based internship during the summer of 2023 at the University of Edinburgh.
The INNODEMS STACK Internship Programme empowers African universities to revolutionize math education through efficient assessment solutions and comprehensive support. Join us in transforming learning outcomes and shaping a brighter future for students across the continent.
A STACK question on integration by partial fractions.
This case study describes using STACK at The University of Edinburgh in, Honours Complex Variables, a Year 3 pure mathematics module.
This is a report on a 5-day STACK workshop held at Maseno in July 2022.
Using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between strings to develop assessment of short free-text answers.
Converting the "Helping Engineers Learn Mathematics" workbooks into STACK quizzes for self-study.
Using STACK in Real Analysis at the University of Warwick.
The MINTFIT Math Test is an online diagnostics test that uses STACK.
OTH Amberg-Weiden uses STACK in extra-occupational maths bridging courses for non-traditional students.
Aalto University uses STACK for their Engineering Mathematics courses, and they have also developed the material bank Abacus.
The Ruhr-Universität Bochum uses STACK in online courses designed for self-study. Some questions are adaptive, and guide students through complex tasks.
The University of Edinburgh has in-house support for online assessment, mostly with STACK, for most year one and two mathematics modules, and many more.
"Fundamentals of Algebra and Calculus" is a fully online course that uses STACK.
Developers at Nagoya University are building a "flick interface" for STACK, similar to the popular Japanese keyboard mode.
STACK was integrated into the ILIAS learning management system to support projects for learning content.
At Loughborough University, STACK has been implemented across many disciplines.
IDEMS international is working with Maseno University to implement online assessment for their mathematics courses.
Physics Curriculum & Instruction have developed STACK questions to accompany a Physics textbook.
The Open University uses STACK for large-scale online courses.
The optes project uses STACK in their pre-course, designed to help students improve their self-studying skills.